Saturday, March 19, 2011


I know, I'm already doing a sock monkey giveaway HERE, but I thought I would let you all know that I have three more, yes THREE, giveaways lined up.  I'm super excited about these.  First, I must tell you all that I'm determined to help the "little guy":  stay-at-home-moms, single mothers, young married women, mom's to be, with their efforts of earning a little extra money on the side.  Each situation is different and the economy isn't exactly handing out beefy paychecks right now...
So here I am, with a passion to help.  I would like to introduce you all to three new women in the following weeks.  They are all creative in their own way and would like for you to share this with them!

I don't know if I should tell you all what is in store, or if I should hold out!!  Hah.  I'm horrible.  But, be assured that you will enjoy each of these giveaways thoroughly.  

Cheers!  It's Saturday.  And I have to ask, what are you doing to "move it, move it" today??  I'm hoping the weather will hold out for my eight mile run...

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