Saturday, February 19, 2011

Running Update: Not you again

(wearing ankle socks not knee socks! the weather was so beautiful.)

Yesterday was somewhere close to a storybook version of "perfect running weather".  Unfortunately, I was unable to take advantage of it.  Boo.  My running buddy did, though.  I saw her from my front room window, trot by, and I cried inside a little.  Why couldn't that be me?  Then Cylas asked me for something to drink and it snapped me back to reality.  My kids.  D was at school not set to be home until around 7pm.  No running for me at that time of night out here!  Me, the great outdoors and the potential to be a brown bear's tasty brown girl meal.  Nuh uh.  I'll pass.  So, I decided that I would rock it out at the gym after D got back.  
HAH.  It didn't take me too long to realize that I would rather enjoy a fresh, homemade pizza covered in deliciousness like fresh slices of mozzarella, pieces of Canadian bacon, crisp green bellpeppers, and thinly sliced mushrooms.  Their pizzas out here are awful so I found a solution, Boboli crusts and my creative cooking imagination.  WAY better than the bitter, alkaline tasting pizza we get from out here.
So, no gym yesterday, but I did hit the dreadmill today(my new fuzzy, warm, term for the 'mill).  5.2 miles today.  Most I've run in a while.  Around 2.5 miles I smiled and just knew that today was a 5 miler type of day.  3.5 I started feeling my oats and getting a little crazy with my headbanging.  I headbang when I run.  Not a lot...just a little...just enough to feel crazy good and motivated.
I polished off the 5 miles smiling and my legs felt warm and good.  

Total mileage:


I know, it's a far cry from the 20 I have been shooting for but I'll get back to it.  I did do some yoga/pilates cross training this week.  An hour of that will make you long for a steaming bath.

I am STILL in the running, silent cheerleaders, this coming week is full of plenty of miles...not sure about the sunny days, but I will be pounding it out one way or the other.  
Three cheers!?


  1. I'm on familiar terms w the dreadmill too, due to convenience and proximity (downstairs)! I'm not up to 5+ miles yet, but just wait! :) Keep on keepin' on, Misha!

  2. Thanks Jana! You will get there soon enough. Your progress only hinges on your all areas :)) You are making huge strides.


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