Holy running shoes. New personal record, folks. I ran 3.09 miles yesterday and BEAT my last PR! My last PR was the 5k in a neighboring town. Omggggeee. *sigh* And I thought my life as a wannabe-runner was over. Nope, I'm still kickin'.
In spite of my lack of updates, I HAVE been running. I just haven't been running as much and, quite, frankly, I've been really discouraged. After some thought, I figured out why. My focused had switched. Body Pump was really taking over my workout life and my running was being put on the back burner. So, yes, now I have successfully managed to cheat myself out of a half-marathon and dash my dreams of running a marathon. Forget about running one this year.
The words "just give up" even started to surface in my mind. I'm ashamed. But, I'm not going to quit, because I've found that I really, really love running. Can someone say, therapy? Yes. It is. A slight form of therapy is what running has become. I enjoy running, listening to my breathing, thinking, focusing on making it, challenging myself to keep a certain pace it's all a very healthy experience.
So, I know a while back I posted a teaser about getting a Garmin. Can I say, that my running experiences just got ten times better!? Garmin is UH-mazing. I am still learning how to use all the features, but let me tell you, that virtual partner will push you to be better! I still haven't named it yet, but I will.
Last night my run stats looked something like this:

My actual time was 24:16 but I accidentally started the timer again and it messed everything up :( boo. But, believe me, I did run 3 miles in a little over 24 min. (like I said, still getting used to it) It was a great feeling. Just me, the pavement, and my Garmin.
Hopefully, my posts on this blog will become regular again. Tomorrow I'll post about juggling my life and rearranging my schedule to fit in my workouts.
Hey, you, silent cheerleader, you still with me? I need all the support I can get!